prufrocking Aug 15, 2011 06:58
i can love low[er h]ell sometimes, i hate low[er h]ell education, excited kyo is excite, caffeine is god's gift to the world, dear hw please diaf, gdit kyo do your homework, shit just got real, priorities i have them, what is this thing you call sleep, shit no one cares about, shut up tracy, i need a bloody life, my life what is it
prufrocking May 27, 2011 20:12
i can love low[er h]ell sometimes, check it out yo, what is this thing you call sleep, priorities i have them, may is asian death month, fuck yeah!, i need a bloody life, my life what is it, kyo is a fail, unf total geekgasm
prufrocking Sep 12, 2010 23:57
i can love low[er h]ell sometimes, brb laughing forever